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Blackboard User Guide for EW Marking Teachers

Welcome to Learn@PolyU ( This is PolyU Official Online learning Management System providing the ELC's Online English Writing Resources and Tutorials

Part I - PolyU Writing and Reading Requirement platform

English Writing and Reading Requirement is a CAR subject component where which aims to develop the English Writing skills required by university students to understand and develop extended written texts and become better writers.
For the details information about the requirement, you can contact us through email at

Part II - Accessing EW on Learn@PolyU

Part III - Online materials and activities in Learn@PolyU

Part IV – Draft assessment on Learn@PolyU

On the coresponding course home page, you should see the following “ELC Assessment Feedback Platform” block in  the main window with “ELC Teacher Feedback” underneath.



AFTER the second draft submission due date, please visit Learn@PolyU ( for commenting on the second draft and preparing progress report.

Once you click on the “ELC Teacher Feedback” link as above, you will see your corresponding group list of students as below:

Similar to first draft submission assessment, click on the “Edit” link for each individual student work of your group to enter your second draft assessment page.

In the second draft assessment page, there are THREE sections.

In the first session, teacher can review students’ first draft submission record details, and view the student’s name & id and link to their revised draft which they can click to open and view in the same manner as the first draft.

The “Progress Report” for second draft focus on the difference compared with the first draft. The teacher needs to reads the student’s reflection on revision of first draft (if any) before they decide on grades and comments.

You can then see the student’s self-evaluation on each of the action points given for their first draft as well as a short paragraph of overall reflection summary as below.

After that, you can start marking the draft according to the marking criteria that takes into consideration the improvements the student made on her second draft in comparison with the first draft and in response to teachers feedback. The marking procedure for second draft includes

  1. selecting marking criteria and derive a system-generated mark (or by holistic marking) and,
  2. suggesting actions for further improvement.


Selecting marking criteria

To do the first, you should click on the “Select Marking Criteria” button.

It will open up a marking criteria selection page as below:

You should select suitable statement across the 5 level for each sub-area and give appropriate mark for each area from the list box. Once completed, you may scroll down to the bottom and click “Add” to proceed.



  1. Only ONE option is permitted for each sub-area across the 5 level, i.e. horizontally exclusive;
  2. Mark should be given to each area, such as Argumentation and Organisation. Blank mark (i.e. '--') is not allowed.

After that, you will be returned to the second draft assessment page, and the statements selected for each sub-area will be shown in the box as below:

For the given mark, they will be calculated based on the default ratio of each area and being shown in the bottom section “Final Score” with "Criteria-based Score”.

However, you are given with the right for final judgment. You can override the system score by selecting/overriding the final score from the list box out of 10. If you have overridden it, the status will change to “Holistic Score" to avoid accidentally overriding.

Suggesting actions for further improvement

Even through ELC teachers will intervene and mark two drafts of Writing Requirement assignment, students are required to submit a final revision (i.e. a third draft) for their subject teacher. It is therefore, required that teachers give further suggestions for improvement and revision of draft before final submission.

Similar to first draft assessment, ELC teacher suggest further action points for students’ second drafts by clicking on the “Select Action Points”, to allow students to further enhance their work before the final submission, in the third section “Action Points for Revision”. (Details refer to Page 4 above)

Once the marking criteria and action points have been decided and written, and final score confirmed, you can now click “Submit” to finalize the report. You may also “Save as Draft” if you would like to continue your assessment later.

If you clicked “Save as Draft” or “Submit”, you will proceed to a summary preview page as below with the details of the report to be released to the corresponding student.

Now, you should click “Continue Editing” to continue assessing on the same piece of work or “Back to Group List” to return to the group list page.

You will see “View Report” link under the “Second Draft” column also. If you submitted the report, you should also see the score you have given in the “Mark” column as below.


  • You can always further edit the report BEFORE the report release date. If you have not submitted the report before the report release date, you are allowed only ONE CHANCE to submit AFTER the report release date.
  • If you have clicked “Save as Draft” after finishing the report, it will not be released to the student even after the report release date. That is why, PLEASE make sure you “Submit” your report BEFORE report release date.

About this website

EWRite is an open access online literacy platform for PolyU community that has two major objectives:

  • to support PolyU students’ literacy development within and across the disciplines
  • to support subject and language teachers to implement system-level measures for integrating literacy-sensitive pedagogies across the university

This platform provides access to generic genre guides representing typical university assignments as well as links to subjects offered by faculties with specific disciplinary genres and relevant support materials.

The materials can be retrieved by students by choosing the genres that interest them on the landing page. Each set of materials includes a genre guide, genre video, and a genre checklist. The genre guide and video are to summarize the genres in two different ways (i.e. textual and dynamic) to fit different learning styles. The genre checklist is for students to self-regulate their writing process. The genre guide and checklist include links to various ELC resources that can provide further explanation to language items (e.g. hedging and academic vocabulary).

The platform also acts as a one-stop-shop for writing resources for students, language teachers and subject leaders. Information about the English Writing Requirement policy can also be found on this platform. There are training materials for new colleagues joining the EWR Liaison Team.